Naked Books | Pics of You
€8.00 / Sold Out
Naked Books
Nudity is a touchy subject,
so it makes sense to actually make it tangible, in a book.
By combining male nudes with other different themes,
we play with the photographer’s own intimate vision as well as with its photographic journey.
Pics of You (aka Pedro Ivan Serralva) draws his inspiration from the people he meets whether on his daily life or during his travels. Because of this, he has built a solid archive of his own life, developing his own aesthetic with a characteristic sense of lighting, texture and composition.
Although he’s most known for his work regarding the male body, his interests also cover nature and architecture. He treats them all in the same way; with a quiet solemnity that lends the bodies the appearance of sculptures and the landscapes the look of paintings.
40 pages | 1st edition
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